Obsessive thoughts rage throughout the mind.
Worries and fears only increase with time.
An unwanted intrusion of an unbearable kind.
A silent head is a thought sublime.

But it does not end on a mental note.
Compulsions will follow, and all your time you'll devote,
To satisfy them every single day.
When others ask "Why?"
"Because I have to," you'll say.

To fulfill a need, to create order,
That is just part of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

En liten info: Händerna på bilden är riktiga ocd händer. Just so u know. Jag känner igen riktiga ocd händer när jag ser som. Har ju själv haft det. Fan stackars tjejen på bilden. Det gör så ont när ens händer är så.


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